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Which values are optimal for the cigar storage? Cigars require a certain amount of humidity and temperature. But which storage conditions are best?

Frequently, we get the question of what storage conditions are the best for a happy healthy cigar. You read so much on the internet that the contradictory views are more confusing than helpful.

Please note first that (almost) no expert measures the humidity accurately enough to reach the often propagated exactly 70%. Please see our article on cigar moisture measurement.

There are several well-founded opinions on the storage of cigars in humidors on many subjects. Much that one reads, but is purely in the field of myth attributed, unfortunately spread easily in the network today. The first myth we refute as done above is the search for the exact 70% humidity.

In fact, according to tests and the personal experience of many cigar smokers, 60% are better suited for the long-term storage (aging) of cigars. The moisture when “eating” depends on personal preference and the cigar itself. The spectrum ranges from 60 -> 75%.

The same as for the humidity applies to the temperature. The measured humidity is a relative quantity: humidity / temperature. The relative humidity adapts to the temperature with the appropriate means. However, one should beware of strongly fluctuating temperatures in any case. In the worst case, the cover sheets are torn by the sudden drop and increase in humidity. Sunny places or places about heaters or fireplaces are very bad for cigar storage. Please also see:

Abstract: No one has clinical accuracy in the humidor. This is also unnecessary. However, it is problematic to set the measurement interval to the upper limit of the useful one. A measurement error 62 => 67% is not a problem. A measurement error of 72% => 77% is already suboptimal.

What is the ideal humidity? This depends on various factors as described above. But 62-66% are wonderful values that do not cause any problems and even forgive mistakes. Anyone who goes on vacation, the Humidor at 74% with additional humidifiers vollpackt ("The cigars are not supposed to thirst."), The ensemble in the window ("Tobacco is a plant and plants need light."), Which should ever to weather a failure if it comes back after 4 weeks. If you humidify the humidor normally, have 68% off, leave the curtain open and unfortunately forget to top up the humidifier, you will probably find the humidor at 60% when it comes back. There is no problem and no damage. This article deals with the most unfounded fear of mummification of cigars.

Therefore the request: Much helps in the doubt little. And please do not get mad by a scientification of cigar storage. :)


I don’t want to risk loading it with some rather rare cigars that I have bought until I’m confident that the humidity is stable at around 70%. I have about 68% with Boveda inside and about 74% with your humidifiers. What can I do?

Both values are totally OK: Boveda is no guarantee for a stable and correct climate level:
Nobody on the internet or author's of cigar books can measure humidity exactly enough.
Both values are totally OK. A dropping moisture level with Boveda is well possible. When the humidor si still new and the wood didn't yet fully absorb enough moisture, this is the expected result. No problem. :)
The 74% appear to be a tad too high. But when you use our standard humidifiers, you cannot over-humidify the cabinet with them.
But please don't add more humidifiers. Depending on how you placed the humidifer sticks inside, can make a difference of 2-4%.