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Question: As an avid pipe smoker, I also want to have the opportunity to consume my tobacco during my lunch break ... Unfortunately, this is difficult because of the pipes ... Now, the idea has come to enjoy the pipe tobacco as a cigarette. Stopfmaschinge bought, unfortunately went backwards. Now I wanted to ask you, which possibilities there are pipe tobacco in cigarette form (with filter) to bring?

Answer: You can absolutely do that. Pipe tobacco stuffed into cigarettes is of course possible and was not uncommon in the past. The cut of the pipe tobacco should be rather fine. Then manual winding by hand or a winder is recommended. The winder are not designed for these tobaccos and the tobaccos are not intended for cigarettes. The tobacco should be quite dry (not too dry) and the cut and the amount of tobacco should not be too big. I personally came away from it. More recommendable is a cheap little whistle, which may only 50% stuffs. A shag whistle is also useful. Any corncob would be an option.

Most normal pipes are also suitable. And of course, such a Shag pipe for fine-cut tobacco: This was used decades ago during the lunch break or in the 10-minute break. Ideal are also plugs that you can cut yourself and thus has influence on the width. In a corncob and you can enjoy a wonderful 5-40min smoking pleasure depending on stuffing quantity and pipe.