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GERMANUS Humidor Cabinet with Digital Hygrometer and 3 GERMANUS Crystal...
Works with every cigars, but comes with a special feature for Torpedo cigars and Robusto Cigars.
Convincing cutting performance from France up to 68 ring gauge
If it's lost, a replacement is affordable. For your pocket, your car, everywhere, where you would need a cigartool, but never have one with you.
Highest Quality from Lamborghini Sturdy Metal Quality Each Cutter comes with Certificate of Authenticity. Each certificate is numbered individually.
Highest Quality from Lamborghini Sturdy Metal Quality Each Cutter comes with Certificate of Authenticity. Each certificate is numbered individually.
No smoke without cigar cutter. With a cigar cutter cigars are opened. Above all sharpness matters. That’s why we offer selected line of cigar cutters instead a broad selection. All offered cutters are actually usable in every day smoker life. Among others we offer Colibri cutters (the 007 brand) plus Xikar cutters. Our home cutter is made by Wolf in Solingen, Germany, which is the famous German city for blade manufacturing for centuries.
Cigar Cutting tools can be distinguished in 4 groups: In additon to the look of the cut surface the cutting results differ in size. The larger the cutting surface, the better your cigar airs, the more air is ventilated upon drawing. A large cut offers a light draw. A slim cut puts emphasis on the the diversity of bouquets and flavours and strength of your cigar. Personally, I got a special tool for each size and cigar format and each origin country. All variants have their justified existence. Most cigar smokers try each variant of cigar cutters over the time and find their favourite tool for each situation.
The modern cutter for cigars with one or two blades is also known as Guillotine. The cigar cutter is the standard tool in modern times. These tools allow opening your cigar with minimal dexterity with a well airing cut for a high draw.
Notch Cutter
The notch cutters was out of style for a long time and enjoys a revival at the moment. I personally like these tools very much. A nearly 100 year old notch cutter, which is a family heirloom, remains being my favourite tool. Notch cutters in general and the models offered in our shop are recommend like the ones from Colibri or Germanus: If you never used one of these before, try these great family of cigar cutters for Longfiller Cigars. The medium range opening surface offers a pleasant draw and a good density of flavours.
Cigar Puncher
These cigar cutters punch your cigar, cut a hole. These are the cuts with the smallest surface and prevent fraying of the wrapper consequently. The cutting procedure demands for only basic dexterity and care. Cutting a cigar with a cigar puncher in darkness is easily possible. The small cutting surface results in the lowest draw, but most cigars credit this method with an increased complexity in flavours and density of flavours plus strength compared to other methods. If you diagnose your cigar at issue with a too low draw, cutting it again carefully with one of the other cutters is still possible.
Cigar Scissors
The scissors for cigars demand for a certain level of dexterity, but it allows the smoker opening the cigar exactly according to the own preferences. A cigar can literally undergo surgery with sharp cigar scissors. On the way you may prefer one of the alternatives, for home use this is a recommend and popular tool.